Decoupage Crafts for Kids

Crafting a Smiley Backpack Tag

School will soon return, which means supply shopping and getting kids to bed earlier from now on. Kids love accessorizing their backpacks, which have become the new way for them to express themselves creatively and showcase their interests – especially with favorite colors and fun charms being so readily available these days! Why not make one yourself and show your flair while heading back into class! Make this fun little tag yourself today – you won’t regret taking this smile-filled journey with you!

I found these fabulous Mod Podge Acrylic Shapes called Podgeables! Constructed of sturdy clear acrylic material, you can decoupage on either the front or back for great decoupaging results! Craft stores like Michaels may carry them, while Walmart may too – some feature holes for string or chains making them great as jewelry or backpack tags! Once complete, try your luck at creating one from Duck tape!

Start by cutting a 24-inch piece of yarn, fold in half, and insert its looped end through the hole of your backpack ring. Feed both open ends through this yarn loop before tightening to secure.

Stitch pony beads onto yarn and knot both ends into a knot to complete this step.

Draw smiley faces onto your scrapbook paper, then use a plastic circle as a stencil and trace around its perimeter with the marker pen. Repeat this procedure twice for front and back pages. Allow to dry for 20 minutes.

Trim away small amounts from each circle in order to ensure there are no edges hanging over when attached to plastic.

Decoupage medium can be painted onto both the plastic circle and backside of paper to adhere the two together, then attached. Allow this side to dry for 10 minutes before repeating for its turn.

Apply a layer of decoupage medium over the paper surface, let dry, and repeat on its back side.

Simply thread one end of your yarn through the hole in a circle and tie into a bow, cutting any loops of it as you tie. Trim all ends to neatness before proceeding further.

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